sors app is about the ancient Vedic tradition of yoga, as well as modern innovations such as Acroyoga and laughter yoga. The asanas (physical postures) prepare the temple of the body for meditation. We dig deep into meditation practices and pranayama (breath control/energy work). Keeping light hearted we also incorporate laughter yoga. Laughing more is scientifically proven to have many health benefits. We will be exploring ways to extend your meditation. You will discover techniques to enable you to practice longer with more comfort. you will also learn techniques to bring great health to all systems of the body.Many yoga studios practice a very fine form of exercise that makes the body healthy. If you want to go deeper and have a healthy body as well as a unified spirit, you are in the right place. We are here to unite with supreme consciousness.For those of you that have a steady weight lifting practice, we provide an excellent way to incorporate yoga into your gym routine. Adding yoga postures to a weight lifting routine will help keep the muscles long, reduce injury, increase strength, and ultimately help you lift more. On a scientific level we will be discussing the way that yoga benefits the endocrine system and balances out the hormones by bringing health to the glands.we will be exploring Acroyoga. This is a modern innovation of partner yoga that helps one develop communication skills. performing postures with a partner is super fun.the word yoga means unity. While exploring many modalities of healing and exercise we keep the focus on unity. All paths lead back to union with supreme consciousness.Installing the app is free of charge.